To our school, where educational, social and emotional development go hand in hand. Our tailored focus on academics and the whole child means that every child will find a happy home here.
Our beautiful campus includes state-of-the-art technology in all classrooms, age-appropriate play areas for children from kindergarten through the upper grades. Our experienced, skilled teaching staff works together as a team to guide your child through his or her academic journey.
International Jubilee Private School is a rapidly growing American curriculum school which proudly has achieved Cognia accreditation in 2021-2022.
The student population is composed mostly of Aisian and Arabic nationalities.
The students blend in a beautiful atmosphere of respect, comradery and harmony. ADEK inspection has recognized that one of the key areas of strength is 'Relationships between teachers and students, and students and their peers.
Other key strengths recognized by ADEK inspection are 'Outstanding attendance of students', 'Teaching and lesson planning which provides a variety of engaging activities to meet students' different needs' and 'Student's progress in lessons and their communication skills'.
All these key areas of strength tell an important story about the school along with the teaching and learning that happens on a daily basis.
An Outstanding Education that enables each student to be ready to the real life challenges.
School Mission
Our School seeks an outstanding level of education, through a strong and a comprehensive curriculum, that includes wide range of activities, project-based learning dealing with the social, Emotional side, through caring and happy environment. Provide a comprehensive professional training program to the senior and middle staff,teachers, and teacher’s assistants. Focuses on parent’s involvement in school planning, decision making and the extra-curricular activities.
Also IJPS provides the opportunity for Autistic student’s inclusion, by preparing for them the suitable environment of communication and proper IEP plans.
IJPS is providing the 21st century skills through integrating robotics education to the grades 3-9, providing a STEM program for the grades 4-9, to prepare the students to the real life challenges.
IJPS is celebrating UAE culture in all the activities and the events, and as having more than 30 nationalities, we are celebrating all the nationalities in a culture made by respect and full responsibility.
International Jubilee private school (IJPS)
Tuition fees : sum of money associated with educating the students.
Other fees :
Extra curricular activities fees are optional fees and charges subjects to parent’s approval and are not included in Tuition fees.
School fees is the total amount required to be paid by the student’s parents or Gordian, the school fees contain:
School fees is the sum of tuition fees, Bus fees, Uniform, books & resources ( online and e book access).
Parents are required to pay the school fees as following:
Registration & Re-registration fees:
When the student is enrolled, the Registration or Re- registration fees will be charged, but will be considered as of the total fees, registration or re- registration fees are 5% of the tuition fees and will be deducted from the school fees.
The tuition fees could be divided to three installment maximum, where each payment should be paid before the semester starts, Bus fees will be added to the tuition fees. While Books and uniform will paid separately at the beginning of the year. The first payment should be paid on August or one month before school year start.
In Case the students withdrawn from the school for any reasons, the school has the right to retain to a certain amount as the following:
Official holidays and absence from class considered part of the week and considered when calculating the attendance period of the student.
The value of one month of tuition fees is calculated by dividing the tuition fees of the school year by ten months.
Transportation fees will be refunded in the same manner of tuition fees.
Uniform, books (including online and e books and online access) are nخt refundable in have been used.
Non –payment of delay of school fees
If there is a delay on school fees payment, the school has the right to send three warning notice each notice is one week duration each time, then the school has the right to suspend the student for up to three days.
The school also will hold the examination report, transfer certificate and block the transfer on eSIS and block the re registration of the students till the complete fees paid.
The school will not prevent the students from sitting for any end-term or end year exams or any examination assigned during the term as a consequence for non-payment issues
The school Might not be able to reserve the seats for the students who delay on paying the School fees and completed the settlements after registration completed for the following Academic year.
All the school fees are approved by ADEC on yearly basis, any fees increase approved by ADEC in school fees will be apply to all students.
سياسة تحصيل الرسوم المدرسية
الرسوم الدراسية : مجموع المبالغ المرتبطة بتعلم الطلاب
:الرسوم الأخرى
رسوم الانشطة اللاصفيه هي رسوم اختيارية و يتم تحصيلها بموافقة ولي الأمر هي ليست من ضمن الرسوم الدراسية
الرسوم المدرسية : هو مجموع الرسوم الدراسية و الرسوم الأخرى
:يترتب على ولي الأمر تسديد الرسوم الدراسية على النحو التالي
:رسوم التسجيل و رسوم إعادة التسجيل
عند تسجيل الطاب يتم استيفاء رسوم التسجيل أو إعادة التسجيل و بتلغ قيمته 5% من اجمالي الرسوم الدراسية.على ان يتم خصمه لاحقا من الأقساط المدرسية
يمكن دفع الرسوم المدرسية على دفعات بحد أقصى ثلاث دفعات على أن يتم الدفع قبل بداية كل فصل دراسي. يتم اضافة رسوم المواصلات إلى الرسوم المدرسية بينما يتم دفع رسوم الزي المدرسي و الكتب المدرسية قي بداية العام الدراسي. يتم تحصيل القسط الأول في أغسطس من كل عام أو قبل شهر من بداية العام الدراسي.
:الانسحاب وإلغاء التسجيل
:في حالة عدم التحاق الطالب بالمدرسة أو انسحاب الطالب لأي سبب كان يحق للمدرسة الاحتفاظ بجزء من القسط المدرسي على النحو التالي
اذا لم يلتحق الطالب بالمدرسة أو التحق مدة اسبوع واحد يتم الاحتفاظ برسم التسجيل أو إعادة التسجيل
:التأخر و عدم دفع الأقساط المدرسية
في حالة تأخر ولي الأمر عن تسديد الرسوم المدرسية يحق للمدرسة إنذار ولي الأمر ثلاث مرات مدة كل إنذار أسبوع واحد يحق للمدرسة بعد ذلك إيقاف الطالب عن الدرارسة مدة ثلاث أيام كما يحق للمدرسة حجب شهادة الطالب و عدم إصدار شهادة النقل ،و حجب نقل الطالب على برنامج معلومات الطالب eSIS و عدم إعادة تسجيل الطالب حتى استكمال تسديد الرسوم المدرسية، وقد لا تتمكن المدرسة من ابقاء المقعد إذا تم تسديد القسط المتأخر بعد اكتمال التسجيل للعام الدراسي التالي
لا يتم حرمان الطالب من تقديم الامتحانات الفصلية او النهائية او اية امتحانات اخرى حتى لو كان في نفس وقت نطبيق اي اجراءات تخص تاخير دفع الاقساط
إن الرسوم المدرسية معتمدة من مجلس أبوظبي للتعليم و في حالة تمت الموافقة على أي زيادة في الرسوم المدرسية من قبل مجلس ابوظبي للتعليم يتم تطبيق الزيادة على جميع الطلبة.
Honesty and Responsibility.
Respect and Self-Discipline.
Achievement and Excellence.
Support and care.
Attractive and Safety Environment.
Dear Parents,
Click here to download the English and Arabic versions of the child protection policy.
School Admin,
International Jubilee Private School
Dear Parents,
(Grade 1 - Grade 9)
Dear Parents and Students,
We would like to inform you that the weekly HW submission days are the following on weekly basis أيام تسليم الواجب للمعلم :
Day |
Subject |
Sunday |
English |
Monday |
Mathematics |
Tuesday |
Arabic اللغة العربية |
Wednesday |
Islamic and Social Studies |
Thursday |
Science |
Dear Parents,
Your support and follow up to your son/Daughter Homework is highly appreciated. Please make sure that they are checking the online System daily.
IJPS Newsletter Week 7 Q1 Oct 11 24-25
IJPS Newsletter Week 6 Q1 Oct 4 24-25
IJPS Newsletter Week 5 Q1 Sept 27 24-25
IJPS Newsletter Week 4 Q1 Sept 20 24-25
IJPS Newsletter Week 3 Q1 Sept 13 24-25
IJPS Newsletter Week 2 Q1 Sept 6 24-25
IJPS Newsletter Week 1 Q1 Aug 30 24-25
Second IJPS Newsletter August 24-25
First IJPS Newsletter August 24-25
School Newsletter 23-24
Final IJPS Newsletter June 28 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 18 Q4 June 21 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 17 Q4 June 14 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 16 Q4 June 7 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 12 Q4 May 10 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 11 Q4 May 3 23-24
IJPS Newsletter 10 Q4 April 26 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 9 Q3 April 19 23-24
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IJPS Newsletter Wk 7 Q3 March 15 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 6 Q3 March 8 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk 5 Q3 March 1 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 22 Feb 16 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 21 Feb 9 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 20 Feb 2 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 19 Jan 26 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 18 Jan 19 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 17 Jan 12 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK 16 Jan 5 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK15 Q2 Dec 8 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK14 Q2 Dec 1 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK13 Q2 Nov 24 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK12 Q2 Nov 17 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK11 Q2 Nov 10 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK10 Q1 Nov 3 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK9 Q1 Oct 27 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK8 Q1 Oct 20 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK7 Q1 Oct 13 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK6 Q1 Oct 6 23-24
IJPSP Newsletter WK5 Q1 Sep 28 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK4 Q1 Sep 22 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK3 Q1 Sept 15 23-24
IJPS Newsletter WK2 Q1 Sept 8 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Wk1 Q1 Sept 1 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Beginning of Year 23-24
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 10 June 23
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 9 June 16
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 8 June 9
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 7 June 2
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 6 May 26
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 5 May 19
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 4 May 12
IJPS Newsletter Q4 Week 3 May 5
IJPS Newsletter Quarter 4 week 2 April 28
IJPS Newsletter Quarter 4 week 1 April 19
IJPS Newsletter Spring Break April 13
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 9 Mar 24
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 8 Mar 17
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 7 Mar 10
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 6 Mar 3
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 5 Feb 24
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 4 Feb 17
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 3 Feb 10
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 2 Feb 3
IJPS Newsletter Q3 Week 1 Jan 27
IJPS Newsletter Q2 Week 8 Jan 13
IJPS Newsletter Q2 Week 7 Jan 6
IJPS Newsletter Q2 Week 6 Dec 9
IJPS Newsletter Q2 Week 5 Nov 30
IJPS Newsletter Q2 Week 4 Nov 25
IJPS Newsletter Q2 Week 3 Nov 18
IJPS Newsletter Week 10 Nov 11
IJPS Newsletter Week 5 Sept 30
IJPS Newsletter Week 4 Sept 23
IJPS Newsletter Week 3 Sept 16
Pre-Start IJPS Newsletter August 24
School Newsletter S2 Week2 Feb 11,2022
School Newsletter S2 Week1 Feb 4,2022
International Jubilee Private School aims to provide an outstanding education for each student and to prepare them for the real life challenges.
All children and young people with SEN are valued and respected. They are equal members of the school. As such provision for pupils with SEN is a matter for the school as a whole; all teachers are teachers of pupils with SEN. The governing body, subject coordinators, SENCo and all other members of staff have important responsibilities.
Roles and Responsibilities
The key responsibilities for the SENCo include:
The key responsibilities for the subject coordinators at School include:
- manage processes throughout the school
- is accountable for assessing progress/attainment of children on register
- Class teachers are able to hold staff to account for provision made for SEN children
- is the leading practitioner in terms of action/practice for staff
The key responsibilities for the administration at School include:
The key responsibilities of teaching and non-teaching staff
The key responsibilities of the Social Worker
The School Administration is responsible for the admission arrangements of SEN students. The school acknowledges full responsibility to admit pupils with already identified special educational needs, as well as identifying and providing for those not previously identified as having SEN. According to the updated ADEC Policy, Policy 48: students with special educational needs, it states that the admission policy in school follows the school obligations as specified in the Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 on the rights of disabled, the council regulations and policies. The students with special needs (simple to medium cases) are admitted according to the age group and semester sequence. The school shall impose extra fees on the guardians in return for providing extra support for the student, provided that these fees don’t exceed the percentage of 50% of the approved school fees for the other students.
Identification & Assessment - early identification is vital.
At IJPS, we are aware that any child admitted to the school may have had their special educational needs identified and that some may not. For children transferring to our school, the SENCo will check to ascertain any existing special educational needs that are going to require additional support or provision.
To help identify children with special educational needs that are going to require additional support or provision in our school, we measure children’s progress by referring to their performance monitored by the teacher, subject coordinator and SENCo as part of ongoing observation and assessment. This includes:
The school is also open and responsive to expressions of concern by parents and takes account of any information that parents provide about their child. When appropriate, their concerns can be included in their child’s IEP.
On entry to School, teachers and subject coordinators assess each child’s current levels of attainment in order to ensure they build upon the pattern of learning and experience for the development of an appropriate curriculum. The school makes full use of all information passed to them by previous schools.
Assessment is not regarded by the school as a single event, but rather as a continuing process. It involves the child’s learning style the style of teaching staff. Classroom organisation, teaching materials, teaching style and differentiation are considered carefully so that each child is enabled to learn effectively. On-going observation and assessment provides feedback to teachers and parents about the child’s achievements and forms the basis for planning the next steps of the child’s learning.
The assessment of children reflects as far as possible their participation in the whole curriculum of the school. The class teacher and SENCo may break down the assessment into smaller steps to aid progress and provide detailed and accurate indicators. Assessments may be conducted as part of a whole class, in a group or on an individual basis.
When a teacher or the SENCo identifies a child with SEN, the class teacher provides interventions that are additional different from those provided as part of the school’s to or usual differentiated curriculum and strategies.
The SENCo and class teacher ensure the active help and participation of parents in developing and implementing an appropriate programme of intervention and support for the child with special educational needs in their homes.
In order to target the provision to meet the needs, the SENCo regularly audits the needs of pupils across the school.
Provision for SEN pupils is organised so that progressively more powerful interventions can be used to meet increasing need. Further action in terms of intervention is based on the progress that each pupil makes. Where progress is not adequate for a particular pupil, additional action is taken to help that pupil to learn more effectively. The range, type and intensity of intervention are also reduced as the child makes progress.
Decisions about intervention are made on an individual basis, by a careful assessment of the pupils’ difficulties, consideration of the pupil’s individual approach to learning and how the intervention will work within the school and classroom context.
The action taken may include provision of different learning materials, special equipment, group or individual support by the SENCo. The intervention decided upon is recorded as an Individual Education Plan.
Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) are written for all pupils in the SEN program. They are working documents for all involved with pupils and give information about the child’s difficulties, strengths and learning styles.
Individual Education Plans show the planned targets addressing priority need for each child, success criteria, teaching strategies to be used, the provision to be put in place and when the plan is to be reviewed. The child’s teacher, in consultation with the SENCo formulates the IEP together.
Individual Education Plans are reviewed termly by the subject coordinator class teacher, TA and SENCo. Parents are consulted as part of the review process, during a meeting.
If it is possible, the child will be participating in the meeting to be involved in making the IEP and to cite their opinions and ideas to improve more.
In addition to the review of the IEP’s, children also have a formal review of their statement, annually. The SENCo initiates the review process and is responsible for the co-ordination of an annual review meeting, usually held at school.
Where a child is at serious risk of disaffection or exclusion, a behaviour modification plan will be implemented. This will be in addition to the IEP and will not be used to replace the graduated response of special educational needs.
All pupils are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. All pupils with SEN are taught for all of the week with their peers in mainstream classes by class teachers and study the curriculum appropriate for their age:
With advice and the support of the SENCo, teachers match the learning to the needs and abilities of the pupils. They use a range of strategies to develop the pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills. Where appropriate, materials are modified or support is provided to enable pupils with SEN to access the learning or the assessment processes.
We, as a school, are committed to an inclusive approach to education. We believe targeted support should be focused within a classroom situation. When to maximize learning, we ask children to work in small groups or in pairs for a more effective learning.
The school, including the school administration is committed to regular and systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of its work. In this respect, the school administration report annually to the parents upon the quality of education provided for and the achievements of pupils with SEN. The school employs a series of methods to gather data for analysis including:
In accordance with the SEN Code of Practice, the school believes that all parents of children with SEN should be treated as equal partners. The school has positive attitudes to parents, provides user-friendly information such as parents-teachers’ meetings. Morning meetings for curriculum areas in their child’s IEP are arranged with an invitation for parents to attend. The school strives to ensure that parents understand the procedures and are aware of how to access advice.
Parents will be supported and empowered to:
The school strives to involve parents and keep them fully informed. We take account of the wishes, feelings and knowledge of parents at all stages. We respect the validity of differing perspectives and seek constructive ways of reconciling different viewpoints.
The SENCo is available in school every day. Parents can contact the SENCo directly however, sometimes a class teacher may indicate that a parent wishes to talk with the SENCo and this is followed up promptly.
The subject coordinators are willing to meet with any parent who has SEN matters to discuss. We inform the parents of any outside intervention and share the process of decision making at every opportunity.
Written by: Deanne Ysabelle S. Gruta
Reviewed By: Nada Elkayssi
Dear Parents,
Kindly click on the server site link .
use the username and password that you received.
Username : IJPSP---- (format)
Password: *****
Press LOG IN
To check your Homework, please follow these steps:
On the left pane, click on Academics followed by Weekly Plan.
You will find start and end dates with all the posted homework on this page.
Click on any of the homework to check the details and download the files (if any).
Kindly check that all other menus like Gallery, Notice Board, Finance etc are all available on the left pane of the page.
Report Card, however, has moved under the Academics Menu (as it was under My Wards earlier)
Thanks for your cooperation
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that in order to improve our online services, the application has moved to a new server site .
Kindly use the same username and password as before.
Username : IJPSP---- (format)
Password: *****
Press LOG IN
To check your Homework, please follow these steps:
On the left pane, click on Academics followed by Weekly Plan.
You will find start and end dates with all the posted homework on this page.
Click on any of the homework to check the details and download the files (if any).
Kindly check that all other menus like Gallery, Notice Board, Finance etc are all available on the left pane of the page.
Report Card, however, has moved under the Academics Menu (as it was under My Wards earlier)
Thanks for your cooperation
We appreciate your interest in working at International Jubilee Private School. IJPS is a fast growing American Curriculum school located in the heart of Abu Dhabi, UAE.
IJPS is an international school since 1984 with history of excellence in providing a rich education, full activities and project-based learning.For teaching positions, the minimum requirements are a bachelor's degree in the field of teaching along with a teaching diploma. The applying candidate should have at least two years experience of teaching preferably in the UAE. Only candidates who are already residents of the UAE will be considered.
Payment – Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions outlined below refer to the arrangements of online payment between International Jubilee Private School (IJPS), and the “Customer” accessing the Online Payment System or Gateway available on the IJPS website. The term “Service” refers to any request made, and paid for, by the Customer for a specific offering by IJPS on the Online Payment System or Gateway.
Services Provided and Pricing
IJPS provides the following services: academic, transport, transcript and completion letters; application and deposit fee payments, uniform fees, tuition fee payments and any other fees/charges associated with schooling of students in part or full, can be made via the Online Payment System. IJPS reserves the right to add, modify or delete services based on identified needs, and without any prior notification to Customers. IJPS also has the right to make changes to the cost of services, at any point of time, which will be effective at the time of publication on the website.
IJPS will not deal with or provide any services or products to any Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned countries in accordance with UAE law.
Method of Payment
IJPS accepts online payments using VISA and MasterCard credit/debit cards in AED only. IJPS reserves the right to accept or decline credit/debit card types.
The receipt of the credit card payment is subject to realization of the credit card payment from the bank and stands cancelled if the credit card payment is rejected by the concerned bank for whatsoever reasons.
Delivery Policy
Customers will collect processed documents directly from IJPS unless other arrangements have been made, and applicable fees charged.
Return and Refund Policy
Refunds cannot be made once an order has been processed, except for tuition fees. Refer to the Fee Payment Policy for detailed information regarding tuition fee refunds.
In line with the Fee Payment Policy, where a Customer is eligible for a refund, IJPS will only refund tuition fees, in accordance with the SIJPS Policy, through the original mode of payment.
Cancellation and Replacement Policy
Services (e.g. academic transcript) cannot be cancelled once an order has been processed, and any requests to replace a service will incur the relevant fee as outlined in Fee Payment Policy.
Any Customer using the website who is a minor (under the age of 18) shall not be able to make any transactions.
Privacy Policy
All credit/debit card details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties.
Website Policies, Terms and Conditions
Occasionally there may be changes and updated information to the website’s policies, terms and conditions. Customers are therefore encouraged to visit the IJPS website/PORTAL regularly in order to be updated on any changes made. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.
Country of Merchant Domicile
IJPS is domiciled in the ABU DHABI in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Any purchase, IJPS put or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the UAE. All disputes shall be exclusively resolved through Abu Dhabi Courts.
International Jubilee Private School is a rapidly growing American curriculum school. It has attained the candidacy status by Cognia, the American/International accreditation body. The student population is comprised mostly of Aisian and Arabic nationalities.
The students blend in a beautiful atmosphere of respect, comradary and harmony. ADEK inspection has recognized that one of the key areas of strength is 'Relationships between teachers and students, and students and their peers.
Other key strenghts recognized by ADEK inspection are 'Outstanding attendance of students', 'Teaching and lesson planing which provides a variety of engaging activities to meet students' different needs' and 'Student's progress in lessons and their communication skills'.
All these key areas of strength tell an important story about the school along with the teaching and learning that happens on a daily basis.
Student Name: Adina
Student Name: Adina
Student Name: Adina
IJPS Trasportation policy 2021
Parents Letter Updated 20-08-2020 / Eng
Parents Letter Updated 20-08-2020 / Arabic
Parents_Guide_Reopining_Policies / Eng
Parents_Guide_Reopening_Policies / Arabic
Policy Limiting School Bags Weight / Eng
Policy Limiting School Bags Weight / Arabic
Grade 1,2,3 Supplies List 2020-2021
Grade 4 Supplies List 2020-2021
Parents Letter Re-poen / Arabic
Distance Learning Code of conduct 2020-2021 /Eng
Distance Learning Code of Conduct 2020-2021 / Arabic
Responsibilities and duties of the students in the school bus
Chairman's Message
Dear Parents, Students, and Members of the IJPS Community,
It is with immense pride and honour that I welcome you to the International Jubilee Private School (IJPS). Established in 1984, our school has been a cornerstone of quality education in Abu Dhabi for decades, consistently evolving to meet the dynamic needs of our students and the wider community.
At IJPS, we take pride in offering a comprehensive American curriculum based on the California Common Core Standards, fostering a supportive, inclusive, and culturally diverse learning environment. Our students represent over 30 nationalities, a testament to the rich blend of backgrounds that enhance the educational journey for all who join our school family. We are committed to cultivating young minds to become responsible, well-rounded global citizens, deeply connected to their UAE roots and heritage while being prepared to excel in a rapidly changing world.
Our vision is to nurture academic excellence and personal growth, preparing students for university success and future career paths. We do this through our innovative programs, such as our comprehensive counselling services, career guidance, and partnerships with leading universities across the globe. Furthermore, IJPS is proud to support students with individual needs, ensuring that every child receives the tools they need to thrive.
As we continue our journey of growth and development, the engagement and support of our parents remain a cornerstone of our success. Your active involvement, open communication, and shared commitment to your child's success play an essential role in the school's development. We look forward to continuing this partnership to inspire, support, and guide the next generation of leaders and innovators.
Thank you for entrusting us with the education and development of your children. Together, we will ensure that IJPS continues to be a place where excellence, diversity, and opportunity come together to shape a brighter future for all.
Warm regards,
Chairman, International Jubilee Private School
Dear parents
In order to ensure that we are following all required steps set in place by the local Authorities and the Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) please read the following Instruction carefully regarding pre-Return to school documentation required from students. Please note that if the following documentation is not submitted prior to the start of school, access will not be granted on campus.
There are three types of forms to fill (where applicable). You can access the forms by clicking the below links:
-all parents who chose FTF. send on/before 25/08/2021 to
families who travelled internationally, send on/before 25/08 to
students who are at high risk for covid-19, send on/before 25/08 to
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that in order to improve our online services, the application has moved to a new server site .
Kindly use the same username and password as before.
Username : IJPSP---- (format)
Password: *****
Press LOG IN
To check your Homework, please follow these steps:
On the left pane, click on Academics followed by Weekly Plan.
You will find start and end dates with all the posted homework on this page.
Click on any of the homework to check the details and download the files (if any).
Kindly check that all other menus like Gallery, Notice Board, Finance etc are all available on the left pane of the page.
Report Card, however, has moved under the Academics Menu (as it was under My Wards earlier)
Thanks for your cooperation
Name | Email Address | Job Description |
Nada El Kayssi | | Principal |
Dalia Ali | | Vice Principal |
Khawla Yousef | | Head of Arabic subjects and students affairs |
Islam drabseh | | Social worker high school |
Sara Lokma | | Social Worker K-5 |
Sarya Radi | | Activities Supervisor and Coordinator |
Grace leon | | KG coordinator |
Hana Omar | | Registrar officer |
Lubna Udwan | | Data and assessment analysis coordinator and system manager |
The International Jubilee Private is an accredited American curriculum school based on the American Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to meet the academic social and emotional needs to prepare the students well for real-life challenges with a focus on UAE National Identity, Moral Education, and 21st-century skills.
IJPS provides rapid, solid educational experiences for students, where they discover, explore, investigate, create, evaluate and reflect on their learning throughout Project-Based Learning using integrated subjects, Genius Hour, Play-Based learning, and Guided Reading programs.
Our school believes that it is critical to provide a curriculum that disciplines and stimulates intellectual progress in our students. Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Information Technology, Islamic Studies, Physical Education, Music, and Visual Art, Business/Entrepreneurship are among the subjects covered in our academic programs.
IJPS offers free extracurricular clubs and activities including the Athletic program for every student according to his/her interest.
For our students in Grades 4 to 12, we have specialist subject teachers who deliver classes .
At International Jubilee Private School we understand that our youngest learners are curious about the world and learn well through play and inquiry. We empower our students to question and solve problems. We also believe that language development is critical, and support the students in reinforcing their first language, whilst also acquiring a new one.
KG follows the Common Core State Standards for Kindergarten in English Language, Arts and Mathematics. And MOE standards for Arabic and Islamic. We also follow the Next Generation Science Standards and provide hands-on science investigations to engage students in their exploration of science.
The American curriculum followed at International Jubilee Private School is based on high standards of achievement in all subject areas. This broad and balanced approach is supported by a wide range of co-curricular activities which equip all students with the skills they need for the 21st century. As an American curriculum school, we start with entry to kindergarten at age 4.
As a support for the KGs Parents ADEK has published a manual that helps them to prepare their kids for the new chapter of their lives under the title of first steps in Kindergarten.
Beginning Guide- The First Step Towards an Educational Journey
دليل بداية الخطوة الأولى لرحلة التعلم
معًا ويدًا بيد من أجل الخطوات الأولى لأطفالنا في رياض الأطفال
At International Jubilee Private School we provide for the Elementary students a warm and caring atmosphere where students collaborate actively, think creatively, reason critically, and communicate effectively. Elementary School at IJPS encompasses Grades 1 – 5. The program includes a combination of core subjects (English, Mathematics and Science) taught by class teachers for grade 1-3, and specialist classes taught by subject specialists in English, Mathematics, science, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, ICT, Music, Art, and Physical Education.
Elements of UAE heritage, history and Islamic culture are incorporated during teaching and learning activities across all disciplines.
The American curriculum followed at international Jubilee Private School is based on high standards of achievement in all subject areas. This broad and balanced approach is supported by a wide range of co-curricular activities which equip all students with the skills they need for the 21st century.
The Middle School at IJPS encompasses Grades 6 – 8 as per the American system. The transitional years in middle school see a shift to more student-driven inquiry and action. We balance academics with increased social responsibility to prepare students to be caring, proactive members of the school community and beyond. In this phase, students have specialist teachers in all subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Arabic, Islamic Studies, ICT, Social Studies, Art, Music, and Physical Education.
As is the case in all sections of the school, elements of UAE heritage, history and Islamic culture are incorporated during teaching and learning activities across all disciplines.
The American curriculum followed at International Jubilee Private School is based on high standards of achievement in all subject areas. This broad and balanced approach is supported by a wide range of co-curricular activities which equip all students with the skills they need for the 21st century.
The High School at International Jubilee Private School comprises Grades 9 to 12. At this stage, students are ready to become the leaders and the innovators of the future.
They are also starting to think about their future after high school, and to make some choices about where their interests, talents, and energies lie. IJPS has a robust program of elective subjects which begins in grade 9.
Students continue with the core subjects, and have choices for elective subjects including Economics, Business, Accounting, Micro Economic, Macroeconomics, Art & Design, Programing, Design and Technology, specialized Science streams……
At this stage, students also consider whether they want to pursue AP (Advanced Placement) courses in the Sciences, Mathematics, or Arts.
Students and families work closely with academic and Career counselors to make informed decisions about their futures.
As is the case in all sections of the school, elements of UAE heritage, history, and Islamic culture are incorporated during teaching and learning activities across all disciplines.
ADEK General Graduation Requirements
○ English minimum 1100
○ Math minimum 500
○ TOEFL (61) ○ or IELTS (5.0)
○ SAT I (Math 450) ○ or EmSAT Achieve (500)
The International Jubilee Private is an accredited American curriculum school based on the American Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to meet the academic social and emotional needs to prepare the students well for real-life challenges with a focus on UAE National Identity, Moral Education, and 21st-century skills.
IJPS provides rapid, solid educational experiences for students, where they discover, explore, investigate, create, evaluate and reflect on their learning throughout Project-Based Learning using integrated subjects, Genius Hour, Play-Based learning, and Guided Reading programs.
Our school believes that it is critical to provide a curriculum that disciplines and stimulates intellectual progress in our students. Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Information Technology, Islamic Studies, Physical Education, Music, and Visual Art, Business/Entrepreneurship are among the subjects covered in our academic programs.
IJPS offers free extracurricular clubs and activities including the Athletic program for every student according to his/her interest.
For our students in Grades 4 to 12, we have specialist subject teachers who deliver classes .
International Jubilee Private School is proud to have achieved Cognia accreditation in 2021-2022. By achieving the Cognia accreditation, parents are assured that our school provides the highest quality standard of education for students in line with the American curriculum. This will enable students to transition seamlessly within the American and international school community and achieve at the highest standards.
Cognia is a global network that meets rigorous standards focused on productive learning environments, equitable resource allocation that meets the needs of learners, and effective leadership. Earning accreditation from the Cognia Global Accreditation Commission means that International Jubilee Private School is recognized across the nation as a school that meets Cognia Standards of Quality, and maintains a commitment to continuous improvement.